PW Communications

Archive for the ‘Economic Instability’ Category

Why a Decrease in Federal Spending Creates Professional Opportunities at PW Communications

In About Us, Economic Instability, Job Opportunity, News and Updates, Proposal Resources on September 29, 2010 at 12:56 pm

According to a recent article in the Washington Post, defense cuts could slow D.C.’s economy for years. The defense sector has been booming since 9/11, but as quickly as Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates called to reduce spending on support contractors by 10 percent for each of the next three years, Washingtonians far and wide took pause. Why? Because they can’t help but to consider how the contraction will affect their personal livelihood and the regional economy’s long-term stability.

Several government contracting powerhouses have already been faced with the difficult decision to let workers go.  Thus far, the current layoff rate hovers at 1,000 workers and with more layoffs expected it is at least possible that rising job-cuts are only the tip of the iceberg. Jim McAleese, a defense contractor recently involved with briefing Defense Secretary Gates, was quoted saying “Over the next few years, you are basically looking at a 5 to 10 percent reduction in the workforce here that supports the Department of Defense. It will be significant.”  

Once known as an epicenter of financial stability during times of economic  flux, Washington, DC has proven that the entire US is susceptible to the long reach of the recession when news of decreased spending  reaches the masses.

Remarkably, while some companies are pushed towards making  drastic reductions, others manage to benefit from cutbacks and economic instability. PW Communications has grown significantly.  Since 2007 income has risen by 39%. As a full-service proposal support company, PW Communications is powered by the idea that because most companies are forced to reduce full-time employment during times of economic uncertainty, these companies are often understaffed when large proposals call for additional talent. That’s where we step in.

Most of our consultants have worked for large government contractors at some point in their professional career and are already extremely familiar with company  policies and procedures. This makes placing experienced talent quite easy when a client makes their needs known.

It doesn’t hurt that our talented pool of professionals  find working as a contract consultant appealing.  Unlike the world of full-time employment, consulting work no longer dictates a professional’s lifestyle. Conversely, lifestyles can now influence work schedules a bit more, which is why PW Communications has continued to flourish. We provide consultants with options and flexibility. Some people prefer to work 120 hours in two weeks instead of four and being a consultant allows our professionals to make that decision.  

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